2681.025-2681.052 |
AN UNKNOWN CONTACT The cause of the devastation is soon found to be a menacing alien race, codenamed Nephilim, and matching the description of an ancient Armageddonesque Kilrathi prophecy. With the aid of fledgling Kilrathi forces, the Midway, herself with a relatively untested crew and only a partial air wing, succeeds in beating back the ample Nephilim recon fleet. The destruction of the alien jump gate in the Kilrah System buys the Confederation much-needed time to prepare for an inevitable second attack. [ Chronicled in Wing Commander: Prophecy ] |
2681.061-106 |
CLOSER TO HOME A small band of Midway veterans is assigned to the new quick-strike cruiser TCS Cerberus as Secret Operatives, acting as the spearhead of the effort to turn back the aliens once again. But this time, the bug jump gate is captured intact, and studies are begun on methods to take the fight to the enemy. [ Chronicled in Wing Commander: Secret Operations ] |
2681.107-present |
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